GWHP - Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp.
Global WholeHealth Partners (ticker symbol GWHP) now has the means to identify and test for dementia using a Microwell Reader or lateral flow test to measure certain brain enzymes during the data collection process used in a positive diagnosis (disclosed in an AK filed March 21st, 2021).
"This could simply be described as nothing short of a medical breakthrough in Dementia Diagnostics testing," according to Charles Strongo, the CEO of Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp.
"We believe this announcement couldn't come at a better time for us as we are partnering with Nunzia Pharmaceutical and their products for neurological disorders," according to Mr. Strongo.
Nunzia Pharmaceutical with a nutraceutical for anxiety and stress based on their patented formula, and their pharmaceutical drug they are planning on bringing through the FDA which specifically works with the Hipppocampus part of the brain dealing with stress, memory, and the fine motor skills are a perfect fit for Global's Diagnostic Test.
Mr. Strongo also said, "Early detection for Demetia disease is not only crucial for patients and their quality of life, but this data is also used by researchers to seek out commonalties, causes, and hopefully cures."
For more information please go to gwhpcorp.com